OPEN MIC! Free Admission

The Best Open Mic in town returns Thursday June 12 . We have the stage, you bring the funny!

• Comic sign-up is between 6:45-7:15
• Showtime 7:30.
• Max of 25 comics so come early!
• Comics get between 3-5 minutes for their set depending on how many performers sign up.
• Admission is FREE for the audience (18+ plus the usual two-item minimum per person inside the showroom unless you are performing)

FREE ADMISSION!! Call to reserve your seats. 719-591-0707

Ages 18+

The Best Open Mic in town returns! We have the stage, you bring the funny!
• Admission is FREE for the audience (18+ plus the usual two-item minimum per person inside the showroom unless you are performing)
• Comic sign-up is between 6:45-7:15
• Max of 25 comics so come early!
• Comics get between 3-5 minutes for their set depending on how many performers sign up.

Doors will open at 6:45pm and the show starts 7:30pm
*Two item minimum purchase (food or beverage, does not have to be alcohol) per person inside the showroom.

The Best Open Mic in town returns Thursday June 12 . We have the stage, you bring the funny!

• Comic sign-up is between 6:45-7:15
• Showtime 7:30.
• Max of 25 comics so come early!
• Comics get between 3-5 minutes for their set depending on how many performers sign up.
• Admission is FREE for the audience (18+ plus the usual two-item minimum per person inside the showroom unless you are performing)